Organized Breeding and Testing

It was Prince Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfels who stated precise conclusions: like characteristics of the breed, evaluation criteria for the exterior and finally simple test regulations for hunting dogs.

His slogan: "Form follows Function" is valid to this day. Nowadays the Deutsch-Kurzhaar are filtered in wide-scaled, elaborate breeding and testing regulations. The Spring test "Derby", Prinz-Solms-Memorial test "Solms" the International Kurzhaar- Prüfung (IKP), Dr. Kleemann-Zuchtausleseprüfung and conformation shows were installed as an "instrument to develop the breed". However the utmost and extremely successful Deutsch-Kurzhaar principle is to grant the breeder’s freedom of choice as long as they are conform to the regulations. The Zuchtbuchstelle (stud book office), the clubs and their breed wardens supply information about the breedability of males and females.

One characteristic of Deutsch-Kurzhaar is that the breed is almost HD-free, objectively speaking that means the incidence of HD – C evaluation is close to zero.

Deutsch-Kurzhaar are very successful at the Jagdgebrauchshundverband (JGHV) tests: VJP, HZP, VGP, BTR, VBR, VSwP.

The Deutsch-Kurzhaar-Verband attaches great importance to comparing the results of Deutsch-Kurzhaar with other pointing dog breeds at the JGHV tests. The very good performance at the VGP, VSwP and VBR encourage us to continue working in the same direction to substantiate the wellbeing of the breed.

Apportieren einer Ente auf der IKP 2003
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